Suite 202
Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48108
Phone: 734-773-3550
Preferred Title Agency of Ann Arbor is conveniently located on the northeast corner of Main Street and East Eisenhower Parkway just north of the Briarwood Mall Circle Drive.
We are located on the 2nd floor of the 305 Burlington Building closest
to the intersection.
Heading West from Detroit
I-94 West
Exit 177, take ramp right
Turn right onto S. State St.
Turn right onto E. Eisenhower Pkwy.
Proceed into left-hand lane, make an immediate u-turn to head west on E. Eisenhower Pkwy.
Proceed .5 miles
305 Building and Preferred Title Agency will be on your right-hand side just before the Main Street intersection.
Heading East from Chicago
I-94 East
Exit 175, take ramp right
Turn left onto Ann Arbor Saline Rd.
Turn right onto W. Eisenhower Pkwy, heading east
Keep straight .8 miles, stay in left-hand lane
Immediately after Main St. intersection make a U-turn to head west on E. Eisenhower Pkwy.
305 Building and Preferred Title Agency will immediately will be on your right-hand side just before the Main Street intersection.